Monday 13 January 2014

Weekend adventures

For the weekend I ventured down to Hoi An.
It is a beautiful town.... very visually stunning, but so full of tourists! and full of people trying to sell you things, trying to get your attention. I just can't handle it! But just about every other tourist I meet anywhere says they love Hoi An.... So maybe it is just me!

We spent Saturday morning at a wedding,
very different to out weddings. The party was on Saturday, apparently with 500ish people! It only went for 2-3 hours. Basically lunch and extremely loud karaoke. Then as soon as the meal was over everyone just disappeared! I assumed it would go on with drinking and singing all day. Apparently on Sunday morning they had a ceremony during the church service, and then a party for the "old people" at the groom's parent's house, and a party for the young people Sunday evening. Sounds like a lot of organising to have 3 separate meals and set up of music, decorations etc.

Also worth special mention was the MC who performed magic tricks during the wedding (and apparently the exact same tricks at the second party on Sunday) and the use of fireworks in the immediate vicinity of a particularly flammable looking wedding dress and a whole lot of people in satin and silk!

On Sunday we got a bus up to My Son, the Cham temples to wander around. I really enjoy the bus rides through little towns and the countryside. My Son was busy (as i assume it always is). But it did start raining, which meant most people scrambled for cover and so if you didn't mind getting slightly damp you could wander and occasionally not see people :)
Unfortunately a lot of My Son was blown up by American bombs after being used as a hide out, so while some are standing lots of the walls and carvings have damage or bullet holes. I am keen to go the the Cham museum here in Da Nang, apparently a lot of the most impressive statues and carvings were moved the the museum before the war, so didn't get damaged.

Sunday afternoon we got the local bus home (at $1.50 each for a 40 minute bus ride it beats walking!).

Back to the orphanage monday to finish our last few wheelchair modifications!


  1. Wonderful Photo's - Sounds like a great trip, looks like great views! Regards Tony

  2. These photos are amazing! The colours are stunning, Lucy!

  3. Hoi An is a stunning place, that's for sure!
    I am just not into shopping...... and that's most of what there is to do in Hoi An :P
