Wednesday 29 January 2014

A taste of freedom

This afternoon we went to the DaNang baby orphanage.
This is a much nicer place! They have a maximum of 10 kids at any time and 2-3 carers.

We were discussing trying to take the kids out for a walk, maybe leaving the 3 babies at home with one carer. And then the 3 volunteers, 3 care and share staff and one volunteer to take the other 6. however today we were short staffed. and so the carers said just into the front yard.

It was probably for the best. The kids were terrified to go out of the room they live in.

It was kind of surreal to be looking at this line of 5 kids all standing at the door looking out, too scared to even take a step onto the concrete. This photo was a little later, but these 4 still were too scared to come out until we picked them up one at a time and carried them around. Usually they sleep, eat, play in that room behind them. the doors are usually open but there is a kind gate stopping them coming out into the courtyard. So they have seen the courtyard before, it isn't totally foreign.

once we carried them around and showed them the view.... they got pretty excited

--> This little girl is one of the shyest. She takes a long time to warm up to new volunteers, she is also very quiet and passive, wont make a fuss when any other kids steal her toys. And always looks so serious! I think this is the first time I have seen her smile. she enjoyed walking around for a little bit.... then went back inside and played in the peace and quiet while the other kids ran around outside. Then she came back and stared at people going past! <--
--> This little boy is one of the oldest kids. He is a bit rough sometimes, stealing toys and the like. But outside, he just ran around laughing. He loved having the space! He is also one of the more outspoken kids. when they were all lined up at the gate watching two guys playing soccer in the road he was yelling out "well done" whenever they kick it!
This boy was also the first kid to agree to be carried outside. While i was walking around showing him everything he just stared, with massive eyes and softly said "wooooowwwww"

--> watching the street for anything interesting. The first car that went past the kids all got scared and ran away.

Unfortunately at the moment it isn't really child friendly out here. In one corner is a tap, big wet slimy patch of concrete and a large bucket of water covered by a raincoat and pane of glass!
on the other side are a whole lot of "washing lines" that are wooden frames with nails and screws sticking out of them to hang the clothes from.
We are planning to fence in the corners so that the washing line things can be moved to behind the fence easily, and the kids can't get to the tap. Then hopefully we can get a little foam mat to soften the concrete and put up some climbing frames or a ball pit. I was hoping to buy one of those really little and basic climbing gyms. They cost $100-200 at toys r us, people seem to keep them in the sun for years without too much damage. But to buy them here was going to cost more like 5-600! crazy! So - anyone from Australia who is planning to come over (volunteers, students? anyone) I am sure those things don't weigh much at all. If someone can bring one over as luggage I will happily pay for it (they come flat packed in cardboard boxes I believe) and the excess baggage costs!!!

Otherwise we will find something here! Just having the space to run around in and a couple of balls to kick will be exciting enough for the moment! I am very excited to come back after Tet and work on getting this space safe, so they can come out more often! We are also talking about painting on of the blank walls, hopefully some with a mural, and some with blackboard paint so they can draw with chalk.

--> He had to ask what this was. He didn't know it was a leaf, or if came from a tree, He is 3 years old. I am not sure he has ever really seen a tree before. The only time they go outside of the house is to go to the doctors apparently.


  1. I find it so sad that the kids never get to go outside. To me, it was natural for my kids to spend lots of time outside in the garden.

  2. I know! we spent our entire childhoods roaming the garden, the creek, the forests!
    We are hoping to slowly increase their outside experiences. take them for little walks around the block. Maybe find a park or something we can take the older 7 too.

    It must it particularly terrifying when they do get adopted and there new parents usually visit a few times..... but suddenly they are taken out of their room, away from everyone they know..... and into all sort of new experiences! hopefully we can let them experience some new things first!
