Saturday 4 January 2014

Home in Da Nang

Finally arrived!
after what feels like days on planes. I am very happy to get off and get out of the airport.

Driving through Da Nang to the volunteer house was definitely a relief. Although it is a mad experience where whole families fit onto one moto (plus the weeks shopping!) and driving seems to be a competitive sport!

I even got to the house to find a big bowl of pho waiting. Feels a little bit luxurious, having all my meals cooked for me everyday!

Anyway, just posting a quick note for those who might  be waiting and watching to confirm I am here :) Facebook doesn't seem to want to function for me tonight.

But now, I need sleep!

Sunday, a quick orientation and a long walk with Sally (volunteer OT).

I feel like if you stayed in Vietnam long enough you would begin to feel like a celebrity, constantly being happily greeted, by adults and kids alike, being invited into people's homes or to karaoke. Or having wild declarations of love shouted at you.

Everyone we met today was very happy to have a quick talk and then leave us alone. Taxi drivers and fruit sellers are more than happy to take no for an answer, and just continue on their way. Our brief walk/getting lost in some sort of suburban back streets was very interesting.... a man we passed while we where wandering towards a dead end stopped us and provided directions before we got in too deep!!

Tomorrow I will start work, and start meeting the children. This afternoon I will go to the beach, I hear it is only about 300 metres away!

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