Tuesday 7 January 2014

custom moulding wheelchairs

So, a word of warning.... if I need a custom moulded wheelchair for a tight little body, I send them off to the wheelchair seating clinic, and a perfect little seat is made.......

Today, we made a custom seat for Tam. a quick trip to the mattress and foam shop for $8-10 of foam..... a meat cleaver and a lot of trial and error and we got Tam looking pretty comfortable!

She is a very stiff little body, but while sitting in the chair started to relax and let her arms drop down a little

Also have added some more photos of another wheelchair moulding today! I think by the end of my trip I will be pro at foam cutting and wheelchair moulding! for now we work on a trial and error system!

more photos of our adventures get posted here: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Care-and-Share-Volunteers-Vietnam/663561607028208?fref=ts


  1. Thanks Tony,
    We think she looks a little more comfortable!
    We even got a couple of smiles, but I wasn't quick enough to get them on camera!

    Tomorrow we will make foam for another little body!

  2. Come visit me Ma!
    They can always use more hands in the orphanage to help caring, and loving the kids. plus we teach English to teachers in the school for Autism and in a couple of orphanages. Best holiday ever I think! And all the people we work with here are just lovely and friendly! or https://www.facebook.com/pages/Care-and-Share-Volunteers-Vietnam/663561607028208?id=663561607028208&sk=info have a look here, If you Email Kim and ask if there is anything you can do from Australia she will no doubt have more ideas!
    But I vote for visiting me!

  3. hey lucy, great to hear how things going and seeing the pictures. good u jumped straight in tho I expected no less from u :) holidays going well. saw gorgeous evelyn yday and today had Ayden and Alex over and of course their parents!!! happy new year and enjoy being pampered with the food etc as you deserve it! xoxo Claire Ras

  4. Hi Lucy, thanks for posting those pictures so quickly, it really gives us an idea of the little people you are working with and the challenges you all face.Can't wait to see more. Love to you x

  5. Good pictures and good to see you get to use your best resource, your brain. Enjoy yourself, the aussie wonder girl.

