Friday 25 April 2014

We're going to the beach, beach, beach

On Thursday morning we took a bus load of kids to the beach. The kid selection seemed to be based on who was not currently completely sick with the flu or diarrhea I think the mothers at the orphanage were pretty happy to be rid of 9 kids for an hour or so - seeing as all the rest have the flu or diarrhea!

Our selection included kids with very severe CP or disabilities who spend all day in their cots, except when we come and they spend some time doing physio and some time in a wheelchair.
Kids with down syndrome who are able to walk or crawl around the orphanage, but are bored out of their minds most the time because they lack play skills or language.
Kids who are typically developing, but these two both had snotty noses and the start of fevers - so the salt water would have done them good!

The water was beautiful and clean, warm and calm. Perfect beach weather!

 I took Nga, my little signing buddy along. I thought she would love it.... and was a bit worried she would run around / away (she is very fast! and always trying to climb into cars when they arrive at the orphanage). But she actually was scared and just wanted to be carried as soon as we got out of the van. Once we got near the water she attached herself to me like a barnacle, and there was no way I would be able to remove her!
I assume she must have been before and been knocked over by a wave / scared by the water in some way.

I kept hoping that if I kept her safe, and comfortable she would eventually relax. No chance. The only time she didn't hold on with both arms and legs was when she released one arm to attempt to swim me back to the shore. - so she understands the concept of paddling.

One of the best successes was Hung. He is the oldest child at the orphanage (about 14years) and spends all day in a cot, or in his chair. We have recently got some smiles and laughs out of him using a vibrating pillow (thanks for finding that Ann!!). However his life is so limited, so restricted, and he doesn't really seem comfortable most of the time.

Hung in the chair
While in the water he relaxed, and seemed to enjoy it..... but it was almost like it took the whole swim for his sensory system to actually catch up. as we dried off and got back into the van he started laughing, and reaching and kicking out with his arms and legs. No one has ever seen that much active movement! when we got him showered off and back in bed he was looking around alert, seemed to be focusing occasionally on people's faces and actually taking in his environment. I have never seen that before.
His laugh is amazing, he winds up for a few seconds before launching into the giant laugh - ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, hahahahaha

He got so much out of it! we absolutely have to go again. And to think, we were taking him mostly for the skin benefits because he always seems to have rashes, or broken skin.

It was just so great to have the students so that we could take a baby each and end up with 9 kids in the water! Can't wait to do it all again. I am hoping to recruit some of my new Vietnamese friends to help out so we have enough hands to go again another day. 

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful story Lucy. Definitely need to get those kids back to the beach.We were in crocodile country that week-end, Starke River. We went kayaking up Starke River until a croc came up and warned us off. We used the out-going tide to help chuff us outa there quick smart. We had come in from the sea from the bay where we were camped. Julie
