Tuesday 7 January 2014

custom moulding wheelchairs

So, a word of warning.... if I need a custom moulded wheelchair for a tight little body, I send them off to the wheelchair seating clinic, and a perfect little seat is made.......

Today, we made a custom seat for Tam. a quick trip to the mattress and foam shop for $8-10 of foam..... a meat cleaver and a lot of trial and error and we got Tam looking pretty comfortable!

She is a very stiff little body, but while sitting in the chair started to relax and let her arms drop down a little

Also have added some more photos of another wheelchair moulding today! I think by the end of my trip I will be pro at foam cutting and wheelchair moulding! for now we work on a trial and error system!

more photos of our adventures get posted here: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Care-and-Share-Volunteers-Vietnam/663561607028208?fref=ts

Monday 6 January 2014

my first few working days...

My first few days of working and living in Vietnam...
we get up to a delicious breakfast every morning, fruit, bread, eggs, yogurt. Then about 7.45 head off to the redcross orphanage for the morning. They have 23 children, all very young as far as I have seen. perhaps 8 or 10 with disabilities. And maybe 3 or 4 carers?
We help out cleaning ears and eyes and hands and feet, and changing nappies of the kids we will see that day. then take them to our clinic room.

I worked with two children on Monday. Both with very severe cp, torticolis and positional plagiocephaly. so lots of encouraging them to look around, stretching and positioning tiny little necks and making peanut pillows.
trying to show the carers how to position them in their cots, to decrease the flat heads, but not Di too much side lying as they are also starting to get scoliosis. There are also a few children with Down Syndrome, hydrocephalus and intellectual impairments.
Today we worked with two boys with hydrocephalus, stretching out their limbs, practising sitting up and giving them practice to hold their heads up. Very tight and stiff little guys, really contracted and hard to move. But if we can make them just a bit more comfortable, or help them build that strength to hold their heads and look around, that has to be better for them!

They have a variety of wheelchairs, all far too large and very basic, but at least we can get the kids up, outside for a little bit each day, and sitting upright when they get fed instead of lying down.
Sally (volunteer Ot) and I are hoping to buy some foam and start making inserts and shaping the chairs better. Maybe have some chance of slowing down some of those scoliosis's and halting the windswept legs a little.
We also take some time to play with the children, give them some cuddles and encourage games like kicking a ball around or sharing toys.
We head back for lunch around 11.00 and have time to relax. Write some notes or talk about what we have been doing all day.

Then around 1 we head to a clinic that is part of a school for autistic children (school soon to open) assessing and helping kids with a range of disabilities.
Finishing there at 4.30 and back home for dinner. On Monday and Wednesday we then head out for after dinner English lessons at an orphanage for kids who's parents can't support them, are too poor or maybe they only have one parent. Kids from around 10 to 18. We help them with their English to help give them a head start, other families apparently pay very handsomely to have their kids in English lessons, so for these kids to have native English speakers to help them is a bonus!

Tonight we venture to "Big C" the shopping centre with everything apparently. We all need to pick up some bits and pieces for ourselves.... but am also hoping to find some better toys, (not just soft toys, but things with rattles, bells, maybe cause and effect toys) and things that we can attach to the cots so they are there ready for the kids, not stored away in a box! And maybe some storage for the toys already at the orphanage, there is a whole cot full of things, but it is hard to dig through the teddy bears and find different types of toys. we are hoping to sort it out a little and make it easier to access!

the morning drive to work!

Playing ball with a couple of children

One of the children in the wheelchairs..... can't wait to get that foam and see what we can do with these!

walking home after a shopping trip one night, I don't understand the obsession with neon lights.... it is like Vegas on Acid! but it makes for beautiful scenes at night. You can't quite see in the photo, but the bridge is actually a Dragon

Saturday 4 January 2014

Home in Da Nang

Finally arrived!
after what feels like days on planes. I am very happy to get off and get out of the airport.

Driving through Da Nang to the volunteer house was definitely a relief. Although it is a mad experience where whole families fit onto one moto (plus the weeks shopping!) and driving seems to be a competitive sport!

I even got to the house to find a big bowl of pho waiting. Feels a little bit luxurious, having all my meals cooked for me everyday!

Anyway, just posting a quick note for those who might  be waiting and watching to confirm I am here :) Facebook doesn't seem to want to function for me tonight.

But now, I need sleep!

Sunday, a quick orientation and a long walk with Sally (volunteer OT).

I feel like if you stayed in Vietnam long enough you would begin to feel like a celebrity, constantly being happily greeted, by adults and kids alike, being invited into people's homes or to karaoke. Or having wild declarations of love shouted at you.

Everyone we met today was very happy to have a quick talk and then leave us alone. Taxi drivers and fruit sellers are more than happy to take no for an answer, and just continue on their way. Our brief walk/getting lost in some sort of suburban back streets was very interesting.... a man we passed while we where wandering towards a dead end stopped us and provided directions before we got in too deep!!

Tomorrow I will start work, and start meeting the children. This afternoon I will go to the beach, I hear it is only about 300 metres away!

Wednesday 18 December 2013

Counting down

So, I am very much in the count down to leaving.
Only 2 weeks to go!

Only to pack my bag, finish work, pack/get rid of all my belonging, clean the unit, and plan the Cambodia leg of the trip!
I am sure I can tackle that!

anyway, once I am actually in Vietnam there will be many updates, photos, stories and adventures here! I just wanted to chuck something up so that I can pass out the address to this blog to all those people who are asking!

So, for details.... I am volunteering for about 9 months in Vietnam and Cambodia with GGC Volunteers (http://www.ggcvolunteers.org/)
check out their website and also facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/GGCVolunteers?fref=ts) to see additional updates and photos!